Thursday, December 30, 2010

Safe in India

So I have arrived in India! I spent about 24 hours traveling and am finally here.  I only slept for about 3 or 4 hours when I got here so hopefully the jetlag does not catch up with me!  I have gone to a coffee shop and have eaten breakfast but that is about it so far.

The trip over was definitely interesting.  On the first flight someone threw up in front of the row I was sitting in so that was fun!  The flights did go fast though, so that was good. I flew from Washington, D.C. to Paris and then to Delhi!

Here are some pics from the brief stop in France:

There were pictures in the bathroom!
I also met someone on the plane to Delhi that owns a business - one branch operates out of China and another one out of NY.  He was flying to India to try to purchase a factory so he can expand his business here.  He said that there is a lot of investment in China and especially with the economy people are looking to buy really cheap, and they get this through producing in China. However, this is short term investment - he said that he is very skeptical of China and how they will do in the long run.  The political and economic stability is not guaranteed and his business partners agree that it looks like India will be a good investment for the future because it appears that the country has a long way to go and it is predicted there will be a lot of growth in the future.  I was lucky enough to get his email and will be asking him for further questions on his business!

I guess I will write more when there is more to be written!

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